Proposal for adequacying computer technical courses according pbl methodology


  • Evelyn Fernandes IFSP
  • Cecília Pereira de Andrade FSP
  • Pedro Augusto Pinheiro Fantinatti IFSP


PBL, Project Based Learning, Inclusive Education, Technical Courses, IFSP


The traditional education is excluding and classificatory. It is archaic and non-democratic. This paper aim to show a proposal of a PBL application in computer technical courses at campus Campinas of IFSP. It has been done a diagnostic of these technical courses and a general proposal has been presented. This work is beeing completed by detailing its proposal.


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Author Biographies

Evelyn Fernandes, IFSP

Graduanda em Tecnologia em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas. IFSP – Câmpus Campinas

Cecília Pereira de Andrade, FSP

Prof.ª Dr.ª IFSP – Câmpus Campinas

Pedro Augusto Pinheiro Fantinatti, IFSP

Prof. Dr. IFSP – Câmpus Campinas



How to Cite

FERNANDES, E.; ANDRADE, C. P. de; FANTINATTI, P. A. P. Proposal for adequacying computer technical courses according pbl methodology. Revista Hipótese, Bauru, v. 5, p. 529–547, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.
