
a pedagogical practice constructed from a didactic simulator


  • Graciliano da Silva Santos UTFPR
  • Alecsandro Michael de Andrade Centro Paula Souza-Assis
  • Tania Cristina Impocetto Macheti Centro Paula Souza-Assis
  • Zenaide de Fátima Dante Correia Rocha UTFPR


Didactic Simulator, Skills, Competence, Social Responsability


This article investigates contributions in the apprehension of knowledge, autonomy and values used in meaningful pedagogy. It is based on the development of the students' abilities and competences to attend activities of the school curriculum, with teacher mediation in the classroom. By understanding that the teaching and learning process is complex and individual, the relevance of a pedagogical practice with didactic simulators provokes a scenario capable of reading and interpreting a reality that can overcome the frontier of knowledge. Reflecting on the importance of didactic simulators, it becomes paramount as practice in the construction of social responsibility..


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Author Biographies

Graciliano da Silva Santos, UTFPR

Especialista em Educação à Distancia. UTFPR-Londrina

Alecsandro Michael de Andrade, Centro Paula Souza-Assis

Especialista em Recursos Humanos. Centro Paula Souza-Assis

Tania Cristina Impocetto Macheti, Centro Paula Souza-Assis

Mestre em Educação Administração e Comunicação. Centro Paula Souza-Assis

Zenaide de Fátima Dante Correia Rocha, UTFPR

Doutora em Educação. UTFPR-Londrina



How to Cite

SANTOS, G. da S.; ANDRADE, A. M. de; MACHETI, T. C. I.; ROCHA, Z. de F. D. C. Telos: a pedagogical practice constructed from a didactic simulator. Revista Hipótese, Bauru, v. 5, p. 570–583, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 sep. 2024.
